CAM Cutting Systems/Milling cutter

Access to RCS Lumiere CAM applications through the HPGL-LC2400 Optima II Zund cutting solution, M800, M1600, CV1200 and equivalents. Conversion of production data in the Atom SHC and Comelz CPZ formats for direct use on the machine.

Blade cutting system/pen/cutter or blade/cutter/cutter depending on the required configuration. The cutter cutting system can be equipped with a quick pneumatic tool change or with an ATC automatic tool change with 10 tools always ready for use. The Jetcut cutting system, using the ISO programming code, allows you to have total control of the cutting parameters.

JETCUT cutting systems are based on a design concept that pays greater attention to performance and reliability in the long run than all other systems on the market. It adopts mechanical and electronic components of excellence from the best international industries but above all available on the market. Maintenance can also be carried out by your Technical Staff.

The components adopted make it possible to configure and update the cutting system in the face of changing cutting needs and respond to the specific requests of Industry 4.0

Read the brochure Jetcut 3000

JETCUT cutting/milling systems are based on a design concept that pays greater attention to performance and reliability in the long run than all other systems on the market. Adopts standard systems for quick change or automatic tool change starting from a minimum of 10 tools, configurable according to the specific needs of the customer.

The components adopted under the patent make it possible to automatically adapt the processing according to the thickness of the material for automatic and controlled processing, both in engraving and in milling.

Data Management PDM applications dedicated to access to technical information management and sharing of them with the management systems and production control. RomansCad Data Management PDM is a platform based on Oracle engine dedicated to project management ISO 9001 for the field of Footware and Leather good.

Taglio del cartoncino e cartone fibrato spessore max. 5mm
Sistema di tenuta del cartoncino mediante aspirazione lama tangenziale

penna in contemporanea


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